Monday, September 17, 2012

Got the Baby Blues?

You can
Postnatal / Postpartum Depression...

You are NOT alone!

I have had postnatal recovery clients as soon as 72 hours after giving birth...  Why would getting massage so soon be beneficial? Understanding the causes, symptoms, and solutions for postpartum depression will provide insight to the benefits of massage after giving birth.

I found this article which gives a complete overview on postpartum depression.


  • What is postpartum depression?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • Who is at risk?
  • How is it treated?
  • What to do if you experience postpartum depression? 

Yvonne L Larson | LA’s Neck Work Expert

Monday, September 10, 2012

Are you pregnant and think Pregnancy Massage 
is a LUXURY?

I’ll give you FOUR good reasons why it is a NECESSITY!

Dramatic physical and chemical changes occur as women progress in their pregnancy.  Several symptoms of pain and discomfort arise out of these changes.  A massage therapist experienced in pregnancy massage can help expecting mothers relieve MANY of the following pain and discomfort: depression, fatigue, insomnia, morning sickness, heart burn, indigestion, constipation, headaches, high blood pressure, back aches, leg cramps, muscle spasms, SI joint dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, hormones imbalance, swelling, and edema.

Postural changes are the biggest factor in the physical pain and discomfort, Weight gain causes an anterior shift of the center of gravity creating an abnormal curve in the cervical and lumber areas of the spine.  For the same reason more stress and tension is placed on weight bearing joints, such as ankles, low back and the pelvis. Then as the baby becomes more active, their movements tend to throw the pelvic girdle out of alignment.  As the pregnancy progresses, the baby will sometimes drop lower into the pelvic girdle also throwing it out of alignment.  Joints being out of alignment can put excessive pressure on the sciatic nerve.

PROBLEM:                                      SOLUTION:
How does this affect                               How can pregnancy massage 
the mommy-to-be?                             resolve the issues?

These changes and added weight increase the occurrence of muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain.  Pregnancy massage helps by minimizing muscular imbalances, relaxing tight muscles, and addressing joint dysfunctions.

The symptoms of tingling, and numbness in the fingers and hands otherwise known as carpal tunnel syndrome are due to the swelling of tissues in the narrowing passages in your wrists.  Swelling and edema are due to increased fluid retention, decreased lymphatic flow, and impaired blood flow during pregnancy.  Pregnancy massage helps reduce these symptoms by improving blood and lymphatic flow through muscle manipulation and joint mobilization techniques. 

The ever expanding uterus and hormone fluctuations result in morning sickness, heart burn, indigestion, and constipation.  This adds pressure to areas such as the rib cage, the stomach, and the intestines to name a few.  Luckily, relief is possible by stretching and relaxing the intercostal and abdominal muscles with a pregnancy massage!  The sense of well-being evoked by relaxing these areas, also aids in the entire process of digestion.

Feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression are often increased during pregnancy also due to hormone fluctuations.  As a result of pregnancy massage levels of the stress hormone norepinephrine decrease, while levels of “feel good” hormones like serotonin and dopamine increase.

Yvonne L Larson | LA’s Neck Work Expert

Friday, September 7, 2012

love a good foot massage?!

my history of reflexology
the history of reflexology

In my networking events and such I'm always sharing that I am "The Neck Work Expert", but recently, one of my clients made a request....

Instead of a full body massage he only wanted neck and feet.  Since I've been customizing massage sessions for years this certainly posed no problems!  That is not the point I'm highlighting in this post...

He had had many stressful situations going on in his life that week and had been on an extensive bike ride that day.  When we finished the session he shared that he felt completely restored and energized.  The next session he was still raving about the results.  He said he continued to feel grounded and energized for several days after this initial foot massage.  He exclaimed, "You are the foot massage expert!"  I laughed.  He asked why I did not mention it before.  

I thought, that is an interesting question. I gave it some thought...  I concluded that after so many years of practicing bodywork, I've gained numerous tools and techniques and don't even realize all I have to offer!  ...that and it's fun to let others discover your "hidden" talents.  (I prefer to under promise and over deliver.)

my history of reflexology:
When I began my practice in 1997 I was fascinated by all the modalities of massage.  After a very eye opening experience with a client I was a FIRM believer in the preventative and healing benefits of reflexology.

I had studied the relationships reflexology points have to systems and organs of the body and taken some courses in reflexology at the time this client came to me in 1998.  As I was working on her feet she complained of pain in a particular area.  I shared what the area represented and suggested she consult a doctor.

The next time she returned she had discovered she had cervical cancer.  She underwent treatment and her cancer was conquered.  She generously thanked me for saving her from this disease taking her over.

This situation inspired me to pursue becoming a reflexologist.  This was LONG before I considered specializing in neck work.  I ordered a book titled "The Definitive Guide on Reflexology" and anxiously awaited its arrival.  The day it came I was so excited!  I knew I was going to help so many people. 

This book was HUGE, it had 10,000 pages and so much information.  Being young and easily startled I told myself that I could never master all that information.  I know now, had I broken it down, and stayed committed that indeed I could have mastered reflexology. That was then, and this is now.

Now, just because I did pursue becoming a reflexologist, doesn't mean I'm not darn good at it!  I've had so many reflexology hand and foot treatments I've lost count.  With all that personal experience I know what feels delicious and I know what hurts!  I give a great foot massage that stimulates the reflexology points.  I am always willing to explore with my clients how their pain may relate to potential health concerns.

the history of reflexology:
Here is a link to the International Institute of Reflexology which has the juicy details regarding the history and the benefits of reflexology.  If you need a GREAT foot massage, give me a call! 

Yvonne L Larson | LA’s Neck Work Expert

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to get rid of pain FOREVER!

We have all heard
the expression

"No Pain...

     ...No Gain!"

Immediately, we relate it to some kind of physical strength or endurance activity.  In actuality, it’s true even if you AREN’T pushing your body to its limits.
In 1997, I attended an amazing four days conference of world renowned holistic leaders, where Dr. Bernie Segal was giving a lecture was titled, “How to get rid of pain FOREVER”.  As a brand new massage therapist I absolutely HAD to learn this secret.

What a gift to receive at the onset of my career to learn,
Pain is a GIFT…
He offered to take us to see all the people who had “gotten rid of pain forever”…
He crafted this amazing picture of how pain SERVES us and that we need it to thrive in our lives.  His lecture impacted me deeply and so I have generously passed this wisdom on to my new clients.

I came across an article that impeccably lays out what Dr Bernie Segal shared in his lecture, though the article lacks his fabulous sense of humor and intimate stories.  It is a VERY good read.

So… click on the link to see Jon Barron’s article titled, “Give Me Your Pain” to educate yourself on:
·          How does pain start?
·          Why is pain good?
·          What to do when pain is triggered!

Yvonne L Larson | LA’s Neck Work Expert