OUCH! Why does THAT hurt?
I’m always getting this question and giving the same answer, so I guess that means I’ve got some uncommon knowledge. Time to share the wealth!
OUCH! Why does my neck hurt?
Well, there are many, many reasons why your neck could hurt. When you mention that you have neck pain everyone has to put in their two cents! Here are 20 common issues or terms you may have heard, but not be familiar with. In my "I did KNOT know that" articles I'll do my best to help you identify what which ones to take into consideration when you begin experiencing neck pain
1. Exercise
2. Sleep
3. Deskwork
4. Poor posture
5. Jaw Issues
6. Shoulder Issues
7. Slipped Disk
8. Herniated Disk
9. Whiplash
10. Vertebral Fractures
11. Fibromyalgia
12. Cervical Arthirtis
13. Spondylisis
14. Ruptured Disk
15. Osteoporosis
16. Spinal Stenosis
17. Spinal Osttemyelitis
18. Spinal Diskitis
19. Spinal Abscess
20. Cancer involving the Spine
What can I do to get rid of my pain?
Some issues will require medical attention. Some steps you can take on your own!Stay tuned to learn more.
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